
1. Why should I publish my work in Intermountain Journal of Translational Medicine?

IMJTM strives to provide smooth and easy submission, timely review, and quick publication of accepted manuscripts. IMJTM charges no fees for submission, publication, or access. Additionally, manuscripts are evaluated based on scientific validity - not perceived impact.  Combined with our rigorous peer review process, these factors make IMJTM an excellent choice for student and resident projects as well as for any early career researchers who may not have funding for expensive Open Access fees. We also accept negative results, which traditionally have been difficult to publish. 

 2. Is Intermountain Journal of Translational Medicine a school/student journal?

No. IMJTM is a fully peer-reviewed academic journal. While IMJTM is supported by the Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine Research Department, we maintain editorial independence from the school.  

3. Will my article have a DOI? 

Yes, all published articles are assigned a DOI. Currently we are using Zenodo to generate DOIs. 

4. Is  Intermountain Journal of Translational Medicine indexed anywhere?  

As of Summer 2024, articles published in IMJTM are searchable via Google Scholar and are indexed in OpenAIRE. We plan to expand indexing as the journal becomes more established. Our first goal is DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

5. Is  Intermountain Journal of Translational Medicine indexed in PubMed?

Not yet. Indexing in PubMed requires a minimum number of published articles as well as a minimum duration of publication. Once we meet the necessary metrics, we will apply for indexing. 

6. Does IMJTM have an impact factor? 

No. Receiving an Impact Factor requires indexing in Clarivate's Web of Science Core Collection. As with PubMed, there are certain minimum metrics required before we will be considered. Once we meet this requirements, we will apply. 

7. I am interested in becoming a reviewer or editor, but I do not have experience with this. What should I do?

Students interested in becoming reviewers or editors should apply on our "Become an Editor or Review" page. While there are minimum requirements to become an editor, reviewers do not need prior experience. We will provide training and mentorship throughout the process. Those reviewers who perform well and maintain a high standard of work may have the opportunity to receive further training and transition into an editor role. 

Technical Issues

1. I'm having trouble signing in, but my password is correct/I just reset my password.

Make sure that you are signing in using your username NOT your email address. Our system only accepts usernames on the log-in page. 

2. I don't see my account confirmation/review invitation/password reset email. 

Our system generated emails are often flagged as spam. Please make sure to check your spam folder and white-list (mark as "not spam") our email. 

Manuscripts and Submissions

1. My work was published previously in a student (non-peer-reviewed) journal, can I still submit?

Normally we do not allow submission of material that has been previously published. However, if your work was featured in a university student journal and you would like to have it considered for peer review, please reach out to one or both of our editors-in-chief. Whether or not we are able to consider manuscripts published in student journals will be dependant on several factors and is decided on a case-by-case basis. 

2. I don't go to Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine, can I submit a manuscript?

Yes! IMJTM is not a school journal and is open to all researchers. 

3. I DO go to Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine, can I submit a manuscript?

Yes! We encourage NoordaCOM students to submit their work for consideration for publication. Noorda students do not receive preferential treatment. 

4. I'm not a medical student or resident, can I submit a manuscript?

Yes! We encourage submissions from any and all interested authors. There are no specific requirements. Submissions from undergraduate students are also welcome, though we strongly encourage an experienced faculty mentor to be included on the project. 

5. Can I submit my manuscript to IMJTM as well as another journal?

No. IMJTM is a formal, peer-reviewed academic journal. The same restrictions that apply to any journal apply here. We do not accept previously published work or duplicate submissions. See our Editorial Policies for more information. 

6. I or a co-author of mine is an IMJTM editor. Can we still submit the manuscript for consideration?

Yes. Editors are allowed to submit manuscripts as authors. Please note that they will not be given preferential treatment in the review process.