Intermountain Journal of Translational Medicine uses the following criteria when assessing a manuscript for publication. In addition to the criteria listed below, all manuscripts must fall within an accepted article category, comply with our Editorial Policies and Author Instructions, and fall within the scope of the journal.
Criteria for Publication
1. The results of the manuscript under consideration have not been published elsewhere, unless allowed by a specific exemption as detailed in our editorial policies (e.g., preprints, thesis, conference abstracts, etc.).
Manuscripts submitted to IMJTM should not be published elsewhere and should not be under consideration at another journal. Some specific exceptions are outlined in our Editorial Policies.
2. Any experiments, systematic reviews of the literature, statistics, or other analysis has been conducted to a high standard with methodology described in sufficient detail to both allow assessment during review and replication if published.
Experiments should be conducted in a valid and scientific way, including controls and replicates where applicable. Any systematic reviews should make use of the appropriate databases and follow best practices in design, execution, and reporting. Any methods presented in the paper should be valid and reasonable given the research question and described in sufficient detail for a reader to replicate the results if desired. Special attention should be paid to statistical analysis especially with regard to appropriate statistical testing, power analysis, multiple measures, etc. where applicable.
3. Conclusions are supported by methodology and results.
Any conclusions or claims should follow logically from the research questions, the experiments conducted (or methodology employed), and the results presented. Results themselves should follow logically from the methodology described.
4. The article is written in English, and the quality of the writing is sufficient so as not to impede understanding of the contents.
IMJTM performs limited copyediting of accepted articles. Thus the format and structure of the manuscript under consideration, as well as the language and writing, must be of acceptable quality. This means that the manuscript must flow logically, be easily digestible to a reader who may have general background knowledge but not subject matter expertise, and be free from spelling and grammatical errors.
5. All relevant standards of ethics and research integrity are met.
Based on the article type and methodology used, manuscripts should follow all relevant Editorial Policies.
6. Any relevant reporting guidelines are followed (e.g. PRISMA for systematic reviews).
IMTJM requires following reporting guidelines when submitting manuscripts detailing clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should follow PRISMA guidelines. Clinical trials should follow either CONSORT or SPIRIT guidelines.
7. All information and citations presented, for example in the background of an original research paper or in the review section of a review, should be factually correct, relevant, and recent.
Any statements presented as fact or claims made based on prior literature, should be accurate. Citations should be recent and relevant.