The Influence of Cannabidiol on Flow-Mediated Dilation in Exercising Populations: A Narrative Review
Intermountain Journal of Translational Medicine Volume 1 Issue 1 Cover Page


CBD, FMD, vascular health, exercise


How to Cite

Thornhill KL, Cappaert T. The Influence of Cannabidiol on Flow-Mediated Dilation in Exercising Populations: A Narrative Review. IMJ Translational Med. 2024;1(1). doi:10.5281/zenodo.10779129


Cannabis and its compound constituents are being used globally for medicinal and recreational purposes. There has been a growing interest in the use of cannabis, specifically cannabidiol (CBD), and its potential effects on vascular health measures. However, no study has investigated the use of CBD vascular health measures via flow-mediated dilation (FMD) ultrasound assessment. This review aims to critically evaluate emerging evidence of the influence of CBD on vascular health via FMD ultrasound assessment in exercising populations. Examining associations among CBD use, vascular health, and exercise may enhance understanding of how cannabis constituents affect cardiovascular response during exercise. Illuminating the cardiovascular effects of CBD on exercising populations is vital for researchers and sports practitioners, given the global use of this cannabinoid and its potential to interact with exercisers’ vascular health and exercise performance. While few examinations of CBD and FMD have shown effects on performance and vascular health, studies of adequate rigor to demonstrate cannabinoid effects on FMD require future research. 



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Kirsten L. Thornhill, MS, Dr. Thomas Cappaert (Author)